Monday, March 30, 2015

Most Anticipated Movies for 2015

We all love going to the movies. The popcorn, the candy, the excitement. The anticipation always spikes when you hear the movies that are going to come out throughout the year. You now have a reason to be excited for every month of the year.

There are a lot of movies coming out for the rest of 2015. Several people will argue which ones are going to be the most sought out. Here is MyCity's list for the Most Anticipated Movies of 2015:
(Keep in mind, these are in no particular order of most to least, because they all have pros and cons to why they could be anticipated and why they may not be)

1) Avengers: Age of Ultron
When the first Avengers movie came out, everyone was talking about it. You couldn't have a conversation without hearing something about Thor, Captain America, Tony Stark, or Black Widow. Now, the sequel is coming out and people are already waiting in that metaphorical line. The anticipation is palpable. Some simply loved the first movie so much, and others are looking to see if they follow the plot line of the comic books. We'll have to wait in line to find out.

2) Star Wars: The Force Awakens
We haven't had a Star Wars movie come out since 2005, and we haven't had a good one come out since the 80's. A lot of people are wondering if they're going to be able to live up to the legend that Star Wars has become. With an all new cast, and varying people a part of this production, it's really a 50/50 chance on great v. terrible.

3) The Hunger Games: Mocking Jay Part 2
When the first Hunger Games movie came out, it was beloved by all. Mostly, we were just thankful that a young adult movie, with planned sequels, came out and was better than Twilight. The storyline is much more complex and interesting, so we weren't too worried. However, the movies have increased in greatness, and the growing popularity of Jennifer Lawrence certainly helps the film. This will be the end of the trilogy, and everyone is waiting with baited breath to see just how they'll document what happened to the Capitol.

4) Inside Out
Finally, we have a break from the comic book and sequel genre. This movie is something a little more adventurous for Disney-Pixar. They're tackling the inner workings of a twelve-year-olds mind. The concept is interesting - the idea that we have little people in our head, each with a purpose or identity, and they are what controls us. It will be beloved by children everywhere, but the question is: Will their parents love it as well?

5) Jurassic World
An interesting take on the Jurassic Park franchise is the addition of this movie. What we can tell from the trailers is that Jurassic Park is having a grand reopening, and they've created a dinosaur hybrid now. With the addition of Chris Pratt to the movie, many people will venture out to see this movie. This will not just draw in the younger audience, but the older audience who grew up watching these movies. Will it do the previous films justice?

6) Batman v. Superman
We're back to the comic books! When Man of Steel came out, a lot of people were really exciting. Finally! We had a Superman movie that was at least decent. We've had a string - at least in recent years - of awful re-imaginations of one of the greatest superheros. The fact that we're incorporating Batman into the mix (which is kind of DC's version of the Avenger's, at least in regards to mash ups) is pretty exciting. When everyone found out that Ben Affleck was going to be Batman, there were mixed reviews to say the least. What will this movie bring us? Hopefully another box office hit.

7) Pitch Perfect 2
When this movie first came out, it was huge hit. Everyone loved that it was enough of a musical for girls to love it, but it was enough of a non-Musical that they could bring their boyfriends willingly. This movie forced everyone to adore it, and gave the world even more reason to love Anna Kendrick, and Rebel Wilson. Will this movie live up to the greatness that was the original?

8) Paper Towns
After the Fault in Our Stars was so popular - both with the books and the movie - it was clear that everyone wanted another story transformed into a cinematic masterpiece. However, this is a brave move for John Green. Choosing to remake one of his books into a movie, so close to the previous one, might not be the best move. If it isn't as great as the previous movie, a lot of people may lose faith in the author's success with movie adaptions.

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